Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Here Goes Nothin'!

I've always enjoyed reading others' blogs and have had people ask me, "Do you blog? You should!" I would smile and nod, but never did I think that between boot camp (many of you know that this has been my nickname for dental hygiene school), raising a baby, keeping the house somewhat put together, and trying to squeeze some sleep and time with the husband somewhere in there would I EVER have the desire or even be able to keep my eye lids open long enough to blog. This morning was different my friends! I do not know what came over me or why, but I want to try my hand at this blogging thing. This strange phenomenon may be contributed to the fact that I have recently graduated from boot camp, which in turn has given me much more family time, my sanity, sleep, and best of all my SANITY... oh, did I mention my sanity?!

I couldn't have felt more proud or fulfilled that day. Not only because I managed to graduate in the top of my class, but that I kept a promise that I made to myself and my son almost two years prior. I will not even try to explain how difficult it was day in and day out to leave this precious life that God has blessed us with in order to commute to Rome, but I dealt with the guilt and stuck through it, just as I had promised, with the intentions of one day providing a life full of endless opportunities for our family and most importantly or son.
Under his "too cool for school" kinda attitude that day, I knew that he too was proud of his mama...
Truth be told, I have been dabbling in many new territories these days. The past couple of years I have loved taking pictures of my favorite little subject and playing around with photo shop... really only mastering the art of color inverse. However, I have been finding that my love for photography is continually growing. I have even sold my good, but not "good enough" camera with the intentions of buying a Nikon that has way too many buttons and gadgets than I know what to do with. I want to capture moments and memories for families and friends and maybe even make some extra dough on the side! My mom once told me that when I was little I wanted to be a nurse and work at McDonald's. I guess I am still just as willing to multitask, but my ultimate occupation will end up being a dental hygienist who takes some pretty cool pics and blogs! I have to admit that I like the sound of that!