Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Potty Training

Potty Training.

Those two words give the phrase "growing pains" an entirely new meaning...

However, instead of blogging about how difficult, frustrating and gross potty training a little boy can be- trust me, I have plenty of those types of stories- I'll just share how we have grown to get along with this inevitable process by having movie dates, art projects, treasure hunts, and making Christmas lists. 

One night this week we red boxed Winnie the Pooh and popped not only some popcorn, but a squat on the good ol' Lightning McQueen potty seat. I have to say, we all enjoyed the movie a little more than we expected. Owen was in an obvious Tiger trance.

He will probably hate me for sharing this, but apparently Jonathan was a little more difficult to potty train than your average toddler. The solution? A treasure chest! So, since our little guy has fallen in his Daddy's stubborn, potty training footsteps, we decided to give this little idea a try. Every time he pees on the potty he gets to pick a little treat from his very own treasure chest. Plus, who doesn't like a good art project?! Hobby Lobby supplied the treasure chest, paint, and brushes. What else do you need besides some mad painting skills?!

A lot of concentration...

...and a T-Rex assistant, of course!


Oh yea, and a BUNCH of wipes! Scratch that...a BATH!!

Last week Owen figured-
What better time is there other than potty time to peruse the Black Friday ads and make his Christmas list?!

These humiliating pictures remind me of a time I happened to capture on my phone (sorry for the crappy quality) a little while back...

Please believe me when I say that the ONLY time I would allow my child to play half naked in 40 degree weather is during potty training when clothing casualties are high and easy access is a must. Don't judge.

ARRRGG! Give me the treasure, Matey!